Here are just a few pics from Owen's shoot. I haven't even posted my absolute favorites yet, because I want to see my mom's face when she sees them. (She is coming into town next weekend so I will post them afterwards). I am so excited about all of these pictures he is so handsome and Kim did a fantastic job!!!! Enjoy the preview :)
Owen has decided that he has to be in the same room as me or he is just not happy. So, while I am cooking dinner I have been giving him my pots and utensils to play with. He loves it! My poor hardwoods are literally taking a beating.
Now that Owen is becoming mobile, he gets a little excited and goes face first into the carpet. So... here it is his first real boo boo. He got a carpet burn on his nose then again and then he scratched it. It is close to being gone now, thank goodness.
Aiden and Austin are becoming more intrigued with Owen. They just don't realize that he is not yet as tough as they are. Give them time and they will be knocking each other all over the place.
Alabama Augie and RJ's little tigers.
Owen loves playing with all of the boys old baby toys it gives him a break from his toys at home.
Poor Owen, the twins were running circles around him all night. He tried his hardest to keep up. It won't take him long and he will be off and running right behind them.
Last Saturday was Micah's (the next door neighbor) birthday. He turned the BIG 2. He had a Spongebob party complete with all the decorations and a moonwalk. We had a great time! Owen was a little grumpy, but he finally warmed up to everyone and enjoyed himself. He had his first bites of chocoalte cupcake and daddy took him for a jump in the moonwalk.
Zoey needless to say enjoyed the moonwalk. She was beet red and out of breath by the time we left.
Eva made a pan of brownies for Owen's party, so we let him take some bites off of Daddy's peice. He liked digging in it but wouldn't actually put it in his mouth.
What makes me... ME? The people, places, music, my job, and friends that I love. Thats who I am! My husband, my son, my mom and sisters, my in laws, my neices and nephew. The beach, the gym, the lake. Dave Matthews!!! My patients and the human body in motion. My friends, you know who you are. You can't choose who you are... or who you will be.... It's your life that makes you, YOU!