Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Quick Update

Hello everyone! I thought I would let everyone know that we are doing just fine. We are starting to get the hang of things. Owen is really doing well with nursing; so well in fact that his Ped. was amazed at the amount I am pumping and the amount that he is taking. We left the hospital weighing 7lbs and 3oz, we now after one week are back at 7lbs and 12oz. My little man has an appetite that's for sure. He is wishy washy on his sleep habits though; some nights he will sleep four hours between feedings and others it is every two on the dot. We will get it all figured out with time. Anyhow, I miss you guys at UAB, I can't say I am ready to come back but a visit is in the very near future. Thank you for all of the sweet comments, we love you.

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