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Dear Friends and family,
It is with the greatest of pleasure that we can announce that our little baby Eva has finally come home. We were discharged from Childrens Hospital in Birmingham a week ago last friday and hit the door running. ( of course they tell us we are being discharged at 8 in the morning and then we have to sit and wait in anxious anticipation until 5pm when they turn us loose into afternoon traffic.) About 6 hours later we managed to navigate the 30 or so miles to our home, (sarcasm) and took our little pink ribbon off of the mailbox to signify that our newest addition had finally arrived. Little Eva is doing fantastic. She is up to 8 lbs. and 6 oz. and does everything a full term baby does ( eat, sleep and poop ) and more. She also grunts, gnaws, moves her head from side to side etc. I can only imagine how hard it is for her to move her head with that gigantic Giles brain in there but I guess she will adapt as I have. (har har ) We are left with a myriad of follow-up appointments some of which we have already been to and our last little hurdle will be getting her liver/ gall bladder to function properly which we think for now can be managed with medicines. I know that there are a ton of people we need to thank for the thoughtfulness and prayers that have gone up for our little Bit , many of whom we will probably never meet like the congregation of my mothers church in Dallas, Texas and Judy Combs and her church in McDill, McOklahoma...( lol ) ( I know its Madill, OK but McDill fit better) and numerous others that we certainly appreciate. I hope everyone knows how much it means to a couple of parents sitting in a hospital intensive care unit gazing upon there new little baby knowing that people from Florida to California are praying for her good health and speedy recovery. Our eternal thanks go out to all of you. You have made this whole chaotic mess alot easier to live through. We wish you all the very best and all of our love and good will is extended to you all. Watch for hopefully less significant updates in the future, like Eva spit up on her dad and it was very funny or something like that. Once again thank you all and enjoy the latest pictures.
Love to All,
Clay and Renea
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